Brixadi: Is it Right for You?



What Is Brixadi?

Brixadi is a medication used in the treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD). It is a long-acting formulation of buprenorphine, an opioid partial agonist that helps manage withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings. Brixadi is designed to provide sustained release of medication, offering a consistent level of support for individuals in recovery. This medication is administered through a subcutaneous injection, typically given once a week or once a month, depending on the specific formulation and treatment plan.

How Does Brixadi Work?

Brixadi works by binding to the same receptors in the brain that opioids do, but with a lower intensity. This action helps to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings without producing the same high that opioids do. By occupying these receptors, Brixadi prevents other opioids from attaching and exerting their effects, thus blocking the euphoric and harmful effects of opioid use. This mechanism of action makes Brixadi an effective tool in reducing opioid dependency and supporting long-term recovery.

Who Is Brixadi For?

Brixadi is intended for individuals who are seeking a medically-assisted treatment (MAT) option for opioid use disorder. It is suitable for:

  1. Adults with Opioid Use Disorder:
    • Brixadi is approved for use in adults who need assistance managing their opioid dependency.
  2. Patients Seeking Long-Acting Treatment:
    • For individuals who prefer fewer doses and a more consistent release of medication, Brixadi’s weekly or monthly injections offer a convenient alternative to daily medications.
  3. Those Struggling with Adherence to Daily Medication:
    • Patients who have difficulty adhering to a daily medication regimen may benefit from Brixadi’s long-acting formulation, ensuring continuous support without the need for daily dosing.
  4. Individuals in Various Stages of Recovery:
    • Whether at the beginning of their recovery journey or transitioning from other forms of MAT, Brixadi can be integrated into various stages of treatment plans.

How Does Brixadi Help?

Brixadi supports individuals in recovery from opioid use disorder in several key ways:

  1. Reduces Cravings and Withdrawal Symptoms:
    • By binding to opioid receptors, Brixadi helps to stabilize brain chemistry, significantly reducing cravings and alleviating withdrawal symptoms, which are major barriers to recovery.
  2. Blocks the Effects of Other Opioids:
    • Brixadi prevents other opioids from attaching to the receptors, reducing the potential for misuse and relapse. This blocking effect helps patients avoid the euphoric effects of opioids, decreasing the likelihood of returning to opioid use.
  3. Promotes Adherence to Treatment:
    • The long-acting nature of Brixadi, with weekly or monthly injections, improves adherence by eliminating the need for daily medication. This consistency supports sustained recovery and reduces the risk of missed doses.
  4. Supports Long-Term Recovery:
    • Brixadi’s extended-release formulation provides continuous support, helping patients maintain stability in their recovery journey. It is often used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan that includes counseling and behavioral therapies.
  5. Enhances Quality of Life:
    • By managing the physical aspects of opioid use disorder, Brixadi allows individuals to focus on other important areas of recovery, such as mental health, relationships, and personal development. This holistic approach contributes to an overall improved quality of life.

At Freedom Healthcare Services, we understand the profound challenges of opioid use disorder and the journey to recovery. Some of our staff have been through it first-hand. We are here to offer compassionate, personalized support every step of the way. Brixadi is a promising solution for those seeking stability and long-term recovery. If you or a loved one is struggling with opioid dependency, our caring team is dedicated to providing the understanding, support, and resources you need to reclaim your life and achieve lasting healing.




Kim Rivera

CADC, CCDP, is FHS’s senior counselor, having been part of the FHS family from the onset. Prior to starting at FHS, Kim worked in intensive outpatient, methadone maintenance and was an addictions counselor/supervisor at POWER/CYF whose mission was family preservation and reunification.

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